If you're like me and had never heard of it before, the Liebster award is an award given to new and coming bloggers with small followings (less than 200). It helps new bloggers connect with one another, and find each other. I'm told that the translation of Liebster means dearest/loving/sweetheart in German.
Before I start, I'd like to thank Frankie for nominating me!
The rules:
1) Link back to the person that nominated you
2) List 11 facts about yourself (optional)
3) Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you for the award
4) Nominate 11 blogs/bloggers who themselves have 200 or less followers
5) Think up 11 different questions for the people you are nominating to answer
6) Notify your nominees so they know and can answer and join in!
I'll begin with the 11 facts about me!!
1. I'm 19... not very interesting but its me!
2. I collect disney classic films and get very excited every time I purchase a new one!
3. I also collect Pandora charms. I'm not on my fourth bracelet! Its highly addictive.
4. I've always been a huge fan of art. I studied it at GCSE and got an A and went to study it at college but dropped out after the first year for a full time job in an accountancy. Its probably around that time I really got into nail art.
5. I also write. All sorts. I used to always dream about publishing a book but after a while i'd get writers block and give up. After a while though I found FanFic though which I really got into. Writing is a lot easier when using ready made characters!
6. I'm struggling to think of facts already.
7. I love animals. We have a pet cat called Smudge.
8. I'm scared of rollercoasters and I don't like the dark or heights.
9. I'm rubbish at doing my own hair and makeup. Does that make me a rubbish girl? Probably. But my nails are always pretty :)
10. I go abroad 1-3 times a year but have only been as far as Tenerife.
11. I don't have many friends but the saying is definitely true. My friends are all about quality over quantity!
Here Are my questions from Frankie!
1) 3 Beauty products you could not live without?
I'd have to my nail varnish remover, barry m nail art pens and nails inc varnishes!
2) Who inspires you?
Well, I'd have to say Jade from Beads Of Jade as its all thanks to her this blog exists.
3) What motivates you to blog?
I dont really need motivation. Its lovely to talk to all the lovely people who read and comment on my blog but I think that even without them I'd continue blogging. Its easy to write about something your passionate about.
4) How do you spend your free time?
Reading. Im a big fan of reading. When i'm not doing that im doing my nails or socialising with friends/family.
5) What is your favourite season and why?
Winter. I love everything about it. Everyone always seems so festive and cheery. Winter Wonderland opens and christmas shopping is well underway. As soon as Winter comes I always feel happier!
6) Name a product you heard was good, but didn't like?
I was told Avons nail varnish quick dry spray was good, however, I hated it. All it succeeded in doing was making my fingers feel and look greasy. B&Ms quick spray is a lot cheaper and actually works!
7) How do you handle a stressful day?
Chill with the soaps or my kindle!
8) What is your favourite quote?
Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours.
9) What makes you smile when you're having a bad day?
Disney films. And my nan!
10) Do you make and keep New Year's resolutions?
I've never, ever made one.
11) What is the first thing on your wish list?
Every single nail varnish ever made? Or I'd settle for Barry M's 3 in 1.
I'd like to nominate...
Fell in love with all these blogs and all have been followed!
My questions to you are...
1) What is your favourite thing to blog about?
2) Stranded on a desert island with one item what would it be and why?
3) What is your favourite past time?
4) What 2 products could you not live without?
5) What is your favourite thing about blogging?
6) Do you have an instagram account? If so what is your username?
7) How long have you been blogging for?
8) What is your top tip for other bloggers?
9) What is your all time favourite song and movie?
10) What is your ambition/dream?
11) What product is next on your wishlist?
Thats it! Sorry for such a long blog, but thank you if you made it this far!!!
Thankx for the nomination xx